Tuesday 2 December 2014


Rendered Image

By Stephanie and Julie-Anne

Today we took photos of us jumping up and down against the detention of refugee children in Australia and Nauru. Miss Lee gave us a letter to decorate so that we could then take a photo of us one by one which makes a word after we were all done we made a youtube video which is called  #IJUMPUPANDDOWN4KIDS

We are doing this because there are more than 600 children that are being put in immigration detention. Putting children in detention will not only hurts them, but ruins their childhood.  We realise that not everyone is as lucky as we are and we think it is wrong that there are children our age in detention.  

Check out our video:

Keep jumping up and down against the detention of refugee children in Australia and Nauru!

Sunday 30 November 2014

100 Word Challenge #6

This is the prompt for this week’s 100 word challenge. Your task is to use this prompt as inspiration to write 100 words.  You might write a story, a diary entry, a report, a letter, a poem or in any other genre that you can think of.
Please post your entry in the comments section underneath this post.

Hint: It is always a good idea to write your work in a google doc and copy and paste your 100 words into the comment section. This way, you do not lose your work if there is a problem.

Sunday 9 November 2014

100 Word Challenge #5

This is the prompt for this week’s 100 word challenge. Your task is to use this prompt as inspiration to write 100 words.  You might write a story, a diary entry, a report, a letter, a poem or in any other genre that you can think of.
Please post your entry in the comments section underneath this post.

Hint: It is always a good idea to write your work in a google doc and copy and paste your 100 words into the comment section. This way, you do not lose your work if there is a problem.

A Day in the life of a Meteorologist


Watch this video on Abc's Splash website about a day in the life of a meteorologist, and answer some of the questions in a comment on this post.

Before viewing

What does a meteorologist do?

What information do we get from a meteorologist? How is this information communicated to the public, and why is it important to us?

As you view

Weather man Mark Wilgar explains the priority in the first hour-and-a-half of his day. What is this priority and what else happens during this time?

Mark describes his responsibilities as having two parts (components). In the surface component, what types of data are collected? To gather data from the upper atmosphere, what equipment is used? Who uses this information?

After viewing

Weather information is valuable to many members of the community. Who relies on weather forecasts and what types of decisions depend on knowledge about the weather?

Find out more about weather scientists and other weather-related careers. Would you like to work in this field?

Next steps

Explore the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) website. Observe the radar images of your region within Australia and then identify the current weather observations there.

Notice that there are also weather warnings on the BOM website. What kinds of severe natural events can you find out about?

Saturday 1 November 2014

100 Word Challenge #4

This is the prompt for this week’s 100 word challenge. Your task is to use this prompt as inspiration to write 100 words.  You might write a story, a diary entry, a report, a letter, a poem or in any other genre that you can think of.
Please post your entry in the comments section underneath this post.

Hint: It is always a good idea to write your work in a google doc and copy and paste your 100 words into the comment section. This way, you do not lose your work if there is a problem.

Sunday 26 October 2014

The Year 5 Cloud Detectives

Cloud Detectives
By Natalie, Clara and Emily N
For science, Year 5 have been learning about weather. Miss Lee started out with twitter and tweeted out a tweet asking for pictures of clouds from around the world. 

We got lots of replies and photos from people all over the world. Then, Miss Lee split us into ten groups for the ten different cloud types. We had to make a poster for  the cloud type we were given using Google Drawing. There are ten cloud types:


Also, for homework we were asked to take pictures of different clouds and send them to Miss Lee.  Our class created a presentation which contains the cloud images from our homework and from twitter. The presentation includes the posters that we have created. We were also asked to classify the clouds that were on the presentation. On Monday, we created a map where the cloud photos came from.

Thank you to every one who tweeted, emailed or sent Miss Lee and our class a photo! We really enjoyed using all of the beautiful cloud photos.

Our Presentation
(Click Here)

Our Google map:

(Click here)

What did you learn from this activity?  
Which cloud type is your favourite?

100 Word Challenge #3

This is the prompt for this week’s 100 word challenge. Your task is to use this prompt as inspiration to write 100 words.  You might write a story, a diary entry, a report, a letter, a poem or in any other genre that you can think of.
Please post your entry in the comments section underneath this post.

Hint: It is always a good idea to write your work in a google doc and copy and paste your 100 words into the comment section. This way, you do not lose your work if there is a problem.